Thursday 18 December 2014

Marvellos , Manley Park Museum!

On Tuesday 16th December, 8 year old pupils had a museum and not just the kids came …there were mums and dads. Every single guest had a curious look on their face. However, before the museum year 3 nervously panicked because loads of parents walked in the museum.

The year 3 pupils happily greeted the mums and dads and showed them around the museum. I felt so tired of curating every single piece of our museum. Amazingly ,nearly everyone came to the artefacts (especially the patents they were so proud.) Did you know year 3 built the mammoth in 1 day? Also, a photographer came and we ended up on the front cover of a newspaper.

An amazing quote was “what I enjoyed was the shields because they were so detailed I just wanted to keep them” and that was by Hamza in 5NM.

Reported by Taha Shahzad, 7 years old, Manley Park School.

The Amazing Manley Park Museum

Yesterday year 3 opened its doors and did a museum with lots of facts and a big, hairy mammoth and lots of cave art and torcs and shields swords.

There were too many parents and lots of explaining going on and  there was lots of perants  who wanted to learn all about the Iron Age so we had  to teach them.

Rana: “I think that the Year 3’s tried their best and they put lots of effort into their really good artwork. I think everyone should get a merit.”

Ibrheem: “I enjoyed the mammoth, it was a lifetime memory.”

Reported by Ruqayyah  Mustafa, 7 years old, 3MP.

Cool, Amazing Manley Park Museum!

Yesterday on Tuesday 6th December we made the best museum the school has seen.  A lot of people came then I thought. We made so much stone age to iron age tools and a model of the village and a torc.

Shockingly, so many people came to our museum and we talked and talked, it was very fun.  My mum was very proud. Everyone loved it! Amazingly, the adults knew a lot of stuff. Did you know that they left a stamp so their family could know?

Hamza: “What I enjoyed was the shield because they were so detailed, I just wanted to keep them.”

By Lana, 7 years old, 3MP.

Our Busy, Fantastic Museum!

Yesterday, we opened our magnificent, amazing museum and our mums and dads came. We were so excited that we couldn’t stop. A famous person came, he was a photographer and he took a photo of us! We were going to be so famous people in America also saw us it was amazing!

First, we quickly laid all the artefacts on the table including the torcs, weapons, swords, shields, helmets, round houses and the brown, furry mammoth! They learned so much that they were amazed!

Did you know that Celts are better than Romans?
Everyone loved our museum.

Reported by Mariyam  Faisal, 7 years old, 3MP.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

The entrance to our fantastic, educational museum for parents and students at Manley Park Primary School.....

Word spread like wild fire and guess what?! The Manchester Advertiser newspaper dropped in to get some pictures for an article they wrote on us. Check out the link below:

Here's a sneak peak at what you will find there:

We all love Manny!

He does like having his tusks scratched!

Who would have thought that this would be the perfect place for a spot of silent reading?!

Want a closer look at some of our artefacts?

Celtic Hill Forts!

Check out our reconstructions of Celtic settlements, complete with round houses, high fences, farming area, woodland, river and even the Bog Man!

 We waited patiently for our visitors to come and learn about the Geography of these settlements...

But when they eventually arrived they weren't disappointed! 

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Our Job As Museum Curators...

....was so tiring! 

We had to make sure our museum was very creative, educational, authentic-looking and interesting. We decided to replicate lots of Celtic artefacts, like shields, swords, torcs, broaches and helmets, as well as making roundhouses to put in the settlement we made. 

There are all kinds of tools and materials that you can use to create these things. We used clay and cardboard for most, moulding, shaping, manipulating and cutting until we were happy that our relic resembled our plan. 

We used paint, glue and glitter to decorate our torcs and broaches so that they looked really ornate. 

We added detail to our swords and shields using card, string and polystyrene balls. 

Did you know that the handle of a sword is actually called a hilt? We do now!

Hill Fort Dominoes!

Have you ever used dominoes to recreate a Celtic Hill Fort? We got loads of ideas for our actual hill fort layout for our museum from this activity. 

Why don't you try? You could make your design even better by including a stream, woodland and a farming area. Make sure it's in a really safe and protected place! You could even put the heads of your village's enemies on the fence surrounding your settlement to warn off any attackers!

Captivating, Creative Cave Art!

We used mod roc and papier mache to create a realistic, bumpy cave wall that we then painted with dirty browns and greys to replicate a real cave wall. We then decorated the walls with drawings of mammoths, buffaloes and leopards as well as hand prints (a pre-historic signature) and humans as stick figures. 

 Did you know that Stone Age man thought that if you drew a human in any detail that their soul would be lost? 

Manny Visits Manley Park Primary School!

Look who popped into Manley Park's first ever Stone Age to Iron Age Museum! 

It's only Manny the Mammoth! 

Keep checking for more updates about what happened when Year 3 became Museum Curators for the day!