Thursday 18 December 2014

Marvellos , Manley Park Museum!

On Tuesday 16th December, 8 year old pupils had a museum and not just the kids came …there were mums and dads. Every single guest had a curious look on their face. However, before the museum year 3 nervously panicked because loads of parents walked in the museum.

The year 3 pupils happily greeted the mums and dads and showed them around the museum. I felt so tired of curating every single piece of our museum. Amazingly ,nearly everyone came to the artefacts (especially the patents they were so proud.) Did you know year 3 built the mammoth in 1 day? Also, a photographer came and we ended up on the front cover of a newspaper.

An amazing quote was “what I enjoyed was the shields because they were so detailed I just wanted to keep them” and that was by Hamza in 5NM.

Reported by Taha Shahzad, 7 years old, Manley Park School.


  1. Wow - that looks amazing! If only I lived closer I'd love to see that mammoth in person. Well done Year 3!

  2. What a brilliant project and the mammoth looks fantastic! Well done to you all :-)
